My name is Sylvia Degenkolb. I have restless feet, but mostly I reside in Louisville, Ky. I am a multi-faceted freelance artist. My degree is a Master's of Fine Art from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a major in painting and drawing. Years of study have taken me to various schools, including the University of Kentucky, the University of Louisville, the Art Students' League of New York City, the American Academy of Art in Paris France, and to painting workshops in Mexico, Greece,and the United States. I am fluent in Spanish and have taught art at a bilingual high school in Honduras, as well as ministered to children through original chalk talks. My teaching experience includes Penn State (Erie, Pa.), Asbury College (Wilmore, Ky.), and San Jaun College (New Mexico) in the adult education program.
My specialties include portraiture, caricature, cartooning, and still-life, in mediums of watercolor, charcoal, pencil, pen and ink, and oil. My works have included 9' x 5' oils of vintage wedding gowns {click here to see description}, life-sized portaits of Ken and Barbie Dolls, life-like portraits of children, adults, or favorite family pets. I have illustrated a children's Bible story book series and a language guide for the Navajo Indians. I have presented chalk talks and painted murals for churches, camps, and senior citizens' clubs.
Are you looking for a unique and original gift? Perhaps someone is having a birthday, an anniversary, or special recognition. I can accommodate your every artistic dream. For more information, please request a copy of my resume.
Sylvia Degenkolb
Sylvia with Thomas Fogarty {1982} at the Art Students
League of New York City.
Would you like one of these
Bride of Christ mural for your
college or seminary? Feel free
to Contact Me to find out how
your school can own one for their very own!